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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Java Web Server

Java Web Server

Every website needs to be stored on a computer called the web server from which it can be accessed. The web hosting server is what helps make website content accessible through the internet. Currently, there are five major web servers commonly used for hosting websites. The same are discussed below.

1.   Apache HTTP Server
Developed by Apache Software Foundation, the Apache HTTP server is the most popular web hosting server in the world today. This open source software can be installed on virtually all operating systems including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Unix, etc. 60% of server machines functional today run on the apache web server.

2.   Internet Information Services
Internet Information Services (IIS) is a product of Microsoft and is considered to be a very high-performance web hosting server. It is integrated with the windows platforms and hence is easily administrable.

3.   Lighttpd
This is a free web hosting server software distributed along with the FreeBSD operating system. The Lighttpd is considered fast, reliable and secure. It also consumes lesser CPU power. Lighttpd web servers are also compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris operating systems.

4.   Sun Java System Web Server
This server is a product of Sun Microsystems. Although it is not an open source server, it supports Windows, Linux, and UNIX. This web hosting server is suitable for medium and large website hosting. It supports many different technologies, scripts and languages including PHP, Perl, ASP, ColdFusion, etc.

5.   Jigsaw Server
This is a free open source server for website hosting that comes straight from the World Wide Web association. The Jigsaw web hosting server is written in Java and supports both PHP programs and CGI scripts. It supports different platforms like Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Unix, FreeBSD, etc.

Although there are many other website hosting servers, the five mentioned above are reputed for being most reliable and commonly used.


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